How Mount Woods Studio Entered Into The Design Field?

How Mount Woods Studio Entered Into The Design Field?

Originally posted 2020-09-18 10:52:51.

Ahh you came here and we are glad that you want to know how Mount Woods Studio Entered Into the Design Field.

Well, we learn from our experiences and grow according to that only. For those of you who visited our blog for the first time, we recommend you to read –

How Mount Woods Studio Got Its Name? What Services We Provide?

After reading this you would get an Idea What actually we do, what is our specialization and how we do is a different story that we will discuss later.

When we started, we were an IT company which develops apps, softwares and other related stuff but as we haven grown over the years we realised that we were not good enough and we were doing the same thing which other people or companies were doing.

We were doing everything.

Also, we were more into the designing part rather than development. Our true motive was yet to be discovered. We were missing something which bothered me a lot. We had everything but still that emptiness was there.

I think when a company evolves this might happen. When you start something and there is a point you get stuck, no one is there to help you at that time. So I was facing the same situation. Then I decided it’s time to go to OLD School and start studying.

1 Thing which you should learn from us

While going through many books, there was one thing which was common everywhere:


This particular word was coming again and again that I started asking myself what is that one thing that my company is specialized in. Read from the statement below that we used to write and I want you to learn from my mistake.

Yes, that was a mistake which I soon corrected. So here it goes:

“Mount Woods Studio is an IT company providing digital solutions globally where we specialize on Web Development, Graphic Designing, Animation, Digital Marketing and App Development”

“You Can only specialise in one or two things” not in several things.

Also, when you are in the market, your message should be very clear and loud, easily conveyed to your customers and make sure they understand in a very simple language. No one wants a complicated thing.

Having a specialization is a must.


Watch the above video from where Chris Do is explaining whether you should Specialize or Generalize – Niche or Broad

It took time for me to bring the change, understand what actually our specialization is and to convey my message to my team members. Because with every decision I make, it affects the company and people working there. I do follow futur’s video a lot and it has helped me in many ways.

So, once I identified this thing, a new positive energy came and we started teaching ourselves more about


Having a specialization is very important to understand

Let’s take an examples for this to get more clarity:

You have had a migraine problem for a long time and want to visit the hospital to get consulted and get treated for this. To Whom you will go?

Definitely you will go to a specialist doctor for this who specialised in this particular field only not to any doctor. Even the staff will suggest you go to that specialised doctor only so that problem can be diagnosed and you can cure faster.

Similarly, If you are a designer, you have to be a specialist in one particular field as designing is itself very vast. You can design other things but if you will say I’m specialised in making Logo Design only, people will come looking for you to get the best logo design from you. With that you can provide other services. This is one of the most important thing that I have learned in my journey and same has been taught to our team members so that they can become a better designer.

Let’s take another example:

If you meet a person who is a designer or belongs to the same industry and starts having a conversation, what are the 20 things that you can tell him about that field which he has never listened to or read about?

If you are able to do this, I can bet he will be shocked and will consider you genius and an expert.

I learned this way and I’m glad that there were people, friends, colleagues, Youtube, google, blog, books, mentors to help me understand this thing and corrected me whenever I was stuck. Helped me to begin my journey towards specialization  and I’m very thankful to all of them.

So now when I knew that You Have To Be Specialised so I decided to continue my journey in the field of design specifically in Branding and help CEOs with their organisation.

The statement which we now use to describe my company is:

Mount Woods Studio is a global Branding and Consultancy agency solving design problems for CEOs and organisations helping them grow to become a unique brand identity.

We are a team of experts whose in-depth research helps to achieve quantifiable business goals. Our capabilities with design can empower people, businesses, society and world at large.

We provide digital solutions globally which include Branding, Ux/Ui, Animation and Video Production. 

What I have learned I’m doing my best to share that knowledge with you. I’m not perfect yet and never will be because there are so many things to learn and by sharing this can only increase. When I will get connected with people, their feedback will help me to become an expert or tell what mistakes I have made.

This is only possible if we can build a design community, teach each other and always stay connected.

You can always connect with me on social media, or commenting down below and you can support Mount Woods Studio to build a design community.

Check Mount Woods Studio Podcast and listen to all the latest episodes of all our sessions and also if you want to get featured on one of these podcasts do let us know. We’ll be more than happy to include you design folks, Marketers on one of our podcasts and have a little chit chat with you.

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