Originally posted 2020-10-16 18:13:02.
What do we say about this most humble person I’ve met who is always ready to help anyone at any time of your life. From 33 years he has given his whole life to students who want to get fit and stay focused.
Sensei Ajay Jaswal is the living legend who has taken all the responsibility on his shoulders to make Himachal Pradesh the finest place to learn and master the techniques of Kudo. A Japanese Mix Martial Arts form which has its origins in Kakuto Karate (Combat Karate), but it is not just a mixed fighting with emphasis on the competition side.
It is a life-long sport, system for youth education, method of self-defense and health maintenance for adults. Along with these elements it stresses the “Reigi” or respect and etiquette in its tradition.

Kudo Association Himachal Pradesh is the oldest dojo of Himachal Pradesh located in Solan District and was started by Late Sensei Sh.Yogesh Jaswal in 1983.
In Our Conversation Sensei Ajay Jaswal Uncovered the truth behind staying focused, stay fit and build your mental level to that level where you can achieve anything you want in life.
He also said Kudo can be opted by anyone from any field. If you are a designer, CEO of an MNC, an employee living in a metro city, it doesn’t matter. The doors of Kudo are always open for you to teach you the secret of living a happy life.
Kudo Association is run by Akshay Kumar and Mehul Vora Sir in PAN India.
Our Founder Mr. Ankit Dhadwal has been associated with them from 2015. Practising the mixed martial art and improving on daily basis.

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