What Are Google Ads Bidding Strategies? Which Is Best For Adwords?
Originally posted 2021-01-16 13:16:12. Money is the basics of all operations if you don’t utilize it properly you’ll end up using every bit of it. Money provides you a chance to get the things in life that you wish for and in order to keep …
How Are SEO & PPC Different From Each Other?
Originally posted 2021-01-15 14:14:00. Whenever I have come across the concept of SEO and PPC I’ve found it mesmerizing and intimidating at the same time. I’ve discussed it with a lot of people out there and most of them have been confused over these topics …
What Is SEO? Why You Should Start Working On It?
Originally posted 2021-01-12 12:47:00. This is the very first question that people search on google whenever they enter the digital marketing field. No matter which field you belong to, once in a lifetime you will get to hear this term SEO. People will say that …
What are Broad Match, Phrase Match and Exact Match in PPC/Adwords?
Originally posted 2021-01-02 18:40:34. I’ve been creating PPC campaigns for sometime now. There are a lot of people who come up to me and ask me please tell us a shortcut to develop a great campaign. I’ve been telling people that there is no such …
What are Negative keywords and how they impact your PPC campaign
Originally posted 2020-12-18 16:29:53. We all humans have been told that all negative things are bad. We are taught to stay away from negative people who drag you down. Stay away from negative places that curbs your imagination. But I believe some negative experience is …
What Are Google Responsive Ads and How They Boost Your Campaign?
Originally posted 2020-11-30 16:22:21. Each and everyone of you design folks must be aware of responsive design I presume. If not then I would suggest you to go back to our topics on Lead Generation or PPC to get better understanding. Because it’s compulsory that …
Learn How To Increase PPC Ads Productivity By Using Google Ads Call To Action
Originally posted 2020-11-23 17:19:05. We are always connected in this world with each other with social media or other communication mediums like mail etc. Imagine yourself in a world where there is no internet and you’ve to rely on your people skills to do business …
5 Important Keyword Tools For Ads Personalization and Competitor Analysis
Originally posted 2020-11-16 17:56:15. Tools are what defines the profession of a person and it’s these tools that helps a person in doing the work that’s assigned to them. As it’s always said that good tools make great professionals. A tool is like a heart …
How To Optimize PPC Ads Campaign By Using Google Keyword Analysis Tool
Originally posted 2020-11-11 11:29:31. There are various articles out there that cover the topic of how to Optimize PPC Ads Campaign. It’s a widely used tool that helps a lot of people in determining the productivity of their PPC text ads. The main thing that …
Google’s Keyword Analysis Tool: Do’s and Don’ts While Using It
Originally posted 2020-11-07 10:56:45. Keywords analysis tool is a particular tool that helps you to determine the in-depth knowledge of the keywords that are being used before starting PPC ads campaigns. These tools provide complete history and future predictability of the keywords. Whether it’s being …